PHP 裡的 Prototype-based 開發手法

上次介紹了一篇 Bring some Ruby/Prototype flavour in your PHP array ,這次有個類似的。

文章網址: Prototype-based programming in PHP


For those who have been doing a lot of Javascript programming, you know what prototype-based programming is all about. The basic idea is that functions can be added to classes dynamically. In Javascript functions can be added to a static class (using prototype) and it will be added to all instances of the class, or they can be added to a specific instance and only be added to that instance.

Anyway, lets get to the point. I decided to try adding this functionality to PHP. I’m not sure why its a good idea, or if it even is, but I’ll let you be the judge of that. So here is the class I came up with:

 * @copyright   © 2006, Schmalls / Joshua Thompson, All Rights Reserved
 * @license New BSD
 * @author	  Joshua Thompson <>
 * @version	 1.0.0
 * @link
 * This class holds the prototype capabilities
 * Extending this class makes it prototype capable
class Prototype
     * Holds prototype functions
     * @var  array
    private $_functions = array();
     * Default constructor
     * This is here so that php doesn't complain about the prototype function
    public function __construct()
     * Sets the prototype functions or variables
     * @param   string $name
     * @param   mixed $value
    public function __set( $name, $value )
        if ( function_exists( $value ) ) :
            $this->_functions[$name] = $value;
        else :
            $this->$name = $value;
     * Gets static prototype variables if they exist
     * @param   string $name
     * @return  mixed
    public function __get( $name )
        if ( isset( $this->prototype()->$name ) ) :
            return $this->prototype()->$name;
        else :
            trigger_error( 'Undefined property: ' . __CLASS__ . '::' . $name, E_USER_NOTICE );
     * Calls a static prototype function
     * @param   string $name
     * @param   array $arguments
     * @return  mixed
    public function __call( $name, $arguments )
        if ( isset( $this->_functions[$name] ) ) :
            return call_user_func_array( $this->_functions[$name], $arguments );
        elseif ( $this->prototype()->isCallable( $name ) ) :
            return call_user_func_array( array( $this->prototype(), $name ), $arguments );
        else :
            trigger_error( 'Call to undefined method ' . __CLASS__ . '::' . $name . '()', E_USER_ERROR );
     * Returns the static prototype holder
     * @return  Prototype
    public static function prototype()
        static $prototype = null;
        if ( $prototype === null ) :
            $prototype = new Prototype();
        return $prototype;
     * Needed for the static calling functionality
     * @return  boolean
    public function isCallable( $name )
        return ( isset( $this->_functions[$name] ) );

Now all a class needs to do is extend the Prototype class. A sample of its use follows:

// make some prototype classes
class Test1 extends Prototype
class Test2 extends Prototype
class Test3 extends Test1
// lets create some test static functions
Test1::prototype()->fun1 = create_function( '$arg1', '
    echo \'Static Test1::fun1 \' . $arg1 . "\n";
Test2::prototype()->fun2 = create_function( '$arg1', '
    echo \'Static Test2::fun2 \' . $arg1 . "\n";
// now instantiate the objects
$test1 = new Test1();
$test2 = new Test2();
// and make some more functions
$test1->fun3 = create_function( '$arg2', '
echo \'Test1::fun3 \' . $arg2 . "\n";
$test2->fun4 = create_function( '$arg2', '
echo \'Test2::fun4 \' . $arg2 . "\n";
// output: Static Test1::fun1 bob
$test1->fun1( 'bob' );
// create another function
Test1::prototype()->fun2 = create_function( '$arg1', '
echo \'Static Test1::fun2 \' . $arg1 . "\n";
// output: Static Test1::fun2 bobby
$test1->fun2( 'bobby' );
// output: Static Test2::fun2 robert
$test2->fun2( 'robert' );
// output: Test1::fun3 robby
$test1->fun3( 'robby' );
// output: Test2::fun4 rob
$test2->fun4( 'rob' );
// another instance still has the static functions
$test1_2 = new Test1();
// output: Static Test1::fun1 bob
$test1_2->fun1( 'bob' );
$test3 = new Test3();
// this will give an error because prototype functions do not extend down to a child class
$test3->fun1( 'roberto' );

Once again, I don’t know how useful it is, but let me know what you think.

主要的概念是用 PHP5 的 magic methods : __set__get__call

利用 __set 及物件內部的 _functions 變數記住 create_function 所產生出來的 callback 匿名函式,然後再用 __call 呼叫這些動態建立的 methods 。

當然 magic methods 必須在物件實體產生後才能使用,詳細的說明可以參考一下該文回應的部份。


2006-11-10 00:00 +0800